Of Death | #67

(Recorded on 10/02/2020) Death is imminent, it is all around us, and in 2020 it is on the tip of our tongues. When I was younger I used to think I was the only one with this fear; that I was the only one plagued with sleepless nights and anxiety ridden panic attacks. As I embraced the idea of death more and more I began to realize that everyone has their own way of coping with the ultimate end. Hear my thoughts on dying, what role psychedelics play, and how I think we can become more comfortable with the big nap. I encourage those of you who have something to say about this topic reach out to me through any of the social media platforms or at thecommonchaos@gmail.com I would love to expand on the topic more and hear what you have to say.

Intro: “Map Change” by Every Time I Die


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